Blare the trumpets! Swell the strings! Swing for the fences! Make great fanfare! Blaze the saddles! Secure the animals in the zoo! It's my

The greatest story ever mooed.

Induction date: 7/18/2013
Shelf Of Fame qualifications
Takes the standard "slacker makes good" trope for a wild spin through a hazy, morphine-induced dream state, where nothing and everything makes sense, all built around a fascinating plot: a boy gets mad cow disease. That's shelf of fame material in and of itself.
How this book warped me
There are still new possibilities for the journey of human self-discovery; under one's disaffection lies latent desires that manifest in strange ways. Libba Bray captures this perfectly for the YA set, and as a result, I'll never handle a snow globe again, and always try to talk to yard gnomes.
You'll zip through this one, but pause for the moments of clarity experienced by the protagonist, and it might reaffirm or ignite a passion for actually living your life and dedicating oneself to an effort for an inevitable payoff, the overarching themes.

Induction date: 7/5/2013
Shelf Of Fame qualifications
Drama! Intrigue! Young men turned to savagery without any kind of structure of governance! Symbolism in the glasses and the shell and fire! Sucks to your asmar!
How this book warped me
It's the ultimate government class novel. Why do we have have government, anyway? What's the point? Why should I let someone else be in charge? This blows! LET'S SET STUFF ON FIRE.
Go ahead and read this while you're on a plane in a thunderstorm, or a typhoon, or when it's going to be hijacked by aliens. You have, in your shaking hands, a guide to surviving after the crash. It's a lot shorter and easier to understand than Lost. And probably more accurate. Just remember that Piggy is a lousy ally. 

Induction Date: 6/21/13
Shelf Of Fame qualifications
An unhinged journey through space and time that considers big ideas with lingual simplicity. Perfect mix of humor, drama, and the big what-if. "So it goes," and bird sounds that make you question our dumb existence.
How this book warped me
Probably the first "weird" book I ever read, opening up a world of insanity from which I've never returned, except for Thanksgiving at Grandma's and to trick girls into thinking I'm relationship material. I explicated the crap out of this book for my high school senior project. 
Vonnegut's simplistic approach to writing will envelope your senses; you won't feel the crippling isolation of human life until it's too late!

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